Faecal Immunochemical Testing News


Huge Milestone for Bowel Screening Wales

Public Health Wales are pleased to announce the further optimisation of their bowel screening programme by reducing the minimum screening age another year to 50. This reduction marks the completion of their phased roll-out to include all eligible participants aged 50-74 years and will result in thousands more people who are most at risk of

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Updates to FIT Guidance In August 2023 NICE published updated guidance on ‘Quantitative faecal immunochemical testing (FIT)’ to guide colorectal cancer pathway referral in primary care. This update expands and clarifies the previous recommendations, based on the extensive clinical evidence that has accumulated since DG30 was originally published, back in July 2017. What are the

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NICE recommends GPs use FIT test for all suspected colorectal cancer patients

In article published in PULSE outlining the possible changes to the NICE guidelines regarding FIT in Primary Care. “NICE has recommended that GPs use FIT tests to triage all patients with signs or symptoms of colorectal cancer in a bid to reduce colonoscopy waiting times. In draft guidance that has been released for consultation today,

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A New Portal to Ef-FIT-ciency

Author – Emma Boxall, Marketing & Innovations Manager, Alpha Laboratories Ltd. The impact of the Faecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) on the colorectal cancer referral pathway is well documented. Having a quick and easy-to-use test, that can be directly loaded onto the automated testing platform in the laboratory makes it an ideal solution for triaging the

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A Fitting Tribute: Judith Strachan is Presented with the 2022 ACB Foundation Award

Faecal Immunochemical Testing – Past, Present and Future At the ACB UKMedLab22 Scientific Meeting, held at the Royal College of Pathologists in London in November 2022, Judith Strachan was presented with the prestigious Foundation Award. This accolade recognises her services to Clinical Biochemistry and, in particular, her work with the Scottish Bowel Screening Programme (SBoSP).

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Partnership with the NHS Award Winners!

We are thrilled to announce that Alpha Laboratories has won the award for ‘Partnership with the NHS’ at the MediWales Innovation Awards 2021. The award was achieved for the work with the Clinical Biochemistry team at Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board in Merthyr Tydfil, where Alpha Laboratories was the industry partner in their successful

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Northern Ireland FIT Bowel Cancer Screening

Faecal Immunochemical Test sees bowel screening uptake increase in Scotland – Update from CRUK

“New statistics published in Scotland have shown that before the COVID-19 pandemic, uptake of bowel screening had increased. This is good news and largely due to the introduction of the faecal immunochemical test (FIT), which is easier to complete. These statistics, published by Public Health Scotland, show that 63% of those invited to take a

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Innovative Tayside Testing Programme Wins Global Award

Congratulations to the team from NHS Tayside’s Blood Sciences and Gastroenterology department, who alongside Primary Care colleagues, won the Global Distinction UNIVANTS of Healthcare award for introducing a test to investigate patients visiting their GP with new bowel symptoms. Consultant Clinical Scientist Judith Strachan said: “FIT testing in Tayside has revolutionised the investigation of local

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Scottish Bowel Screening Programme Restarts After Pandemic Lockdown

The Scottish Bowel Screening Programme formally restarts on the 12th October following a brief suspension due to the effects of the Coronavirus pandemic. Bowel Cancer is highly treatable if caught early, and bowel screening is an incredibly effective, and quick, way to help find bowel cancer early. Read Bowel Cancer UK’s update here

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The NICE FIT Study is awarded the ACPGBI BJS Prize

Congratulations to Nigel D’Souza and the NICE FIT Study Team for winning the ACPGBI BJS Prize, for their work on FIT in symptomatic patients. The NICE FIT study was funded by NHS England to investigate whether the FIT (faecal immunochemical test) could be used to exclude bowel cancer in our population in England. To find

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