Benefits of FIT

For Bowel Cancer Screening

If diagnosed early, more than 90% of bowel cancer cases can be treated successfully and the five-year survival rates for bowel cancer have doubled over the last 40 years. Screening tests healthy people to see if they show any early signs of cancer. By detecting bowel cancer at an early stage, treatment has the best chance of working.

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For Symptomatic Assessment

NICE DG56 recommends FIT for adoption in primary care to guide referral for suspected colorectal cancer in people who have unexplained symptoms but do not meet the criteria for a suspected cancer pathway referral outlined in NICE’s guideline on suspected cancer (NG12).

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For Clinicians

Waiting times for endoscopy resources are increasing putting these departments under rising pressure. Performing an initial FIT test to triage the patient could, with confidence, predict those for whom colonoscopy is not appropriate and help get the patient on the right pathway quicker.

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For Laboratories

The HM-JACKarc is a fully automated system that is easy to set up and can be loaded with up to 80 samples at any one time. It can stand alone or be linked to the LIS, allowing flexible options for connectivity and full audit trail of results, QC and reagent lot numbers.

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For Patients

Concerned about their condition, patients want quick answers, with minimal intervention. With FIT, symptomatic patients can be triaged quickly and receive more information about the symptoms they exhibit and the possible causes.

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