Making FIT Simple For You

Making FIT Simple For You

Alpha Laboratories can help patients, laboratories and clinicians, by developing complete customised FIT Patient Packs, that include everything the patient requires to take the sample correctly and return it to the laboratory.

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Alpha Laboratories is Award Winning!

Alpha Laboratories is Award Winning!

We are thrilled to announce that we have won the award for Partnership with the NHS at the MediWales 2021 Awards, for the implementation and roll out of the FIT service at Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB in Merthyr! Read More

FIT for Symptomatic Testing

FIT for Symptomatic Testing

NICE DG30 recommends Faecal Immunochemical Tests for adoption in primary care to triage patients and guide referral for suspected colorectal cancer in people without rectal bleeding who have unexplained symptoms but do not meet the criteria for a suspected cancer pathway referral outlined in NICE guideline NG12.

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Service Your HM-JACKarc with Alpha Laboratories

Service Your HM-JACKarc with Alpha Laboratories

Whether you require routine maintenance, assistance with instrument performance or a specific fix, Alpha Lab Service is here to support your Clinical Diagnostic Instrument Servicing needs.

Visit our NEW website to find out more!

FIT for Bowel Cancer Screening

FIT for Bowel Cancer Screening

The National Bowel Cancer Screening Programmes reduce the risk of dying from bowel cancer by detecting disease before symptoms appear, when it is easier to treat and there is a better chance of survival.
FIT is now being adopted as the standard test method across the screening programmes.

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Automated FIT: Easy as 1-2-3

Automated FIT: Easy as 1-2-3

The NICE DG30 evidence review, reported HM-JACKarc with 100% sensitivity, 76.6% specificity, 6.1% positive predictive value and 100% negative predictive value for colorectal cancer.
[FIT] assays were also cost effective when compared with no triage, with the HM-JACKarc dominating (that is, it was more effective and less expensive)

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What is a FIT?

The Faecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) is now an established bowel cancer test. This diagnostic assay identifies the presence of hidden blood in the stool, known as faecal occult blood (FOB), which can be an early sign of colorectal cancer. FIT uses antibodies specific to human haemoglobin so is more accurate and sensitive, provides a quantitative measurement, and gives fewer false positive results than other tests.

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Benefits of FIT for Screening

For the National Bowel Cancer Screening programmes FIT is bringing many advantages. Easier sampling methods are more acceptable to people invited for screening, which promotes greater uptake. Non-subjective, automated processing of samples advances laboratory efficiencies, improving standardisation and quality control. FIT is more sensitive and can detect cancers more reliably and at an earlier stage than previous methods used.

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Benefits of FIT for Symptomatic Testing

NICE Guidance DG56 recommends “Quantitative faecal immunochemical tests to guide referral for colorectal cancer in primary care”. NICE concludes that a cut-off of 10 μg of Hb/ g faeces in a FIT has a high negative predictive value for colorectal cancer and other serious bowel diseases, therefore, FIT should be used to triage for referral to secondary care, people whose symptoms suggest colorectal cancer, but in whom a definitive diagnosis of cancer is unlikely.

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What’s New?

HM-JACKarc Automated Faecal Immunochemical Test System Overview

The HM-JACKarc system provides automated, rapid and consistent, high throughput Faecal

A Fitting Tribute: Judith Strachan is Presented with the 2022 ACB Foundation Award

Faecal Immunochemical Testing – Past, Present and Future At the ACB

Partnership with the NHS Award

On Thursday 2nd December 2021, at the Annual MediWales conference in

Faecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) Sample Collection

The HM-JACKarc FIT system employs an innovative sample collection device that

FIT Solutions

  • HM-JACKarc Automated FITHM-JACKarc Automated FIT Test
  • FIT-Solutions-Innovative-Sampling-DeviceInnovative FIT Sample Collection Device
  • Sensitive Latex TurbidimetrySensitive Latex Turbidimetry
  • Customised Instructions for UseCustomised FIT Test Instructions for Use
  • FIT Logistic SolutionsComplete Patient Packs