FIT for Wales
On 28 January 2019 Faecal Immunochemical testing (FIT) will start to replace guaiac Faecal Occult Blood testing (gFOBt) in the NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme in Wales. Roll out will be phased with 1 in 28 people receiving the new kit from the end of January. Full roll out is expected in June 2019.
This newsletter produced by Cancer Research UK (CRUK), is a valuable resource for GPs to help guide them through the changes and how to advise those who may have questions about the changes.
Read the newsletter from Cancer Research UK here“The switch to FIT provides a great opportunity to raise screening with your patients. As you’ll be aware, screening is an effective way to detect bowel cancer before symptoms show. When diagnosed at the earliest stage, more than 9 in 10 people will survive bowel cancer for more than 5 years.”